Sunday, July 19, 2009

...More study time

Test is tomorrow. I need to review my notes and do the practice test.... so why am I sitting on here typing this? Because I need to eat dinner of course, and naturally I need something to do while I eat.... I rushed home from work on my bike in record time (considering that I got hit with a very nasty cold today), no detours, just to study so that I can get a reasonable amount of sleep in tonight.... not going to happen. I'll be thinking about numbers and sigma's and alpha's and how to calculate p-value all night.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Study time

I am suppose to be studying right now as we (I guess "as I ") speak. Test for statistics on Monday morning. But studying is the last thing I want to do right now. I would rather scrub the toilet or do the dishes... Speaking of which I probably should do.... I have been so busy, and have not been home much other than to sleep and eat. I should probably vacuum too.... I cleaned the filter the other day so that I could.... No No No, it's study time now. It's funny that I have all this motivation to do things around here when I am suppose to be studying or doing homework. But when I don't have something I'm suppose to be doing, I don't feel like doing anything. When I have essays to write I feel like painting, the urge being so strong that I actually do pull paint and paint brushes out and paint the drawers on the desk I'm suppose to be working at. But when I have no homework assignments, I can sit at my drawing table and stare at a blank paper and have no will to pick up a pencil. But right now as I glance over at the table, I see my pencil crayon carousel and all it's plentiful colours, and I want to put those colours to that blank piece of paper and create something beautiful. Of course I can't do that right now and the urge won't be there come Monday afternoon.
Wow I am a terrible procrastinator! I am writing about procrastinating as I am procrastinating. I am procrastinating by writing about procrastinating... I am procrastinating so much that I had to write that twice.
Okay seriously now, I am going to study, because I will not get another A+ if I don't. I don't have time to cram all day tomorrow like I did the last time.

ummm..... I kinda feel like knitting right now.... Maybe I will do a few rows on my ebony cardigan to settle myself into study mode (I don't know how the two are related, but its seems plausible that knitting be related to everything).