Monday, October 4, 2010

Topic #1

I have been wanting to really get a blog started but feel that I am lacking "stuff" to write about without sounding like I just like to hear myself talk because no one really cares about what I ate for breakfast. Well, there may be a few people who care, but I am the only one who will admit to caring about it (toast with jam!). So I looked around for some ideas. I came across a site that listed 100 blog topics. Topic #1 was: How I use facebook. Do people really want to read about this? They don't get enough facebook from facebook they have to go on unrelated websites to get more of a facebook fix? There is a movie about facebook now though, so I guess people really do want more. A better topic than "how I use facebook" would be: is facebook useful? Is it essential to our existence? What effect is facebook having on our society? Is facebook holding us back or is it just the next natural stage in our evolution? Does facebook create stalkers or does it keep us safe from stalkers by keeping them at a farther distance than just outside our windows? Does facebook bring us closer together or does it isolate us more? We can read what some girl from high school that we never actually talked to and probably didn't even know her name before facebook did over the weekend, but we don't actually have to contact anyone to find out what they are up to. We know more about what everyone is doing without any actual communication.................. So, how do I use facebook? Why do I use facebook? No idea! And yet it is almost always open on my desktop.

Saturday, June 5, 2010


School has been out for a while. No more assignments, no more exams..... Convocation on Thursday! It doesn't feel like I am graduating though. In fact it feels like the easy part is over and now for the hard part. I have applied to the human ecology department at the U of M for human nutritional sciences. If I get accepted, I will start in September (so no break at all, just like starting another school year right away). Theatre to nutritional sciences..... carpentry classes to chemistry classes......... easy to hard....... small school to big school.......Yeah, I'm terrified! Very very nervous.......

A few months ago (right in the middle of being extremely busy with school stuff of course) I got this brilliant idea to pick a knitting pattern book and knit every project in it in a year. I actually took a morning off studying and went to the book store and picked out a book (My memory wants to say that I stood in the rain that day waiting for the bus, but I know that is a lie because it was March! Silly memory!). Lucky I came to my senses and decided that was a silly idea because I don't have time to knit that much, as much as I wish I did!

I did start a new knitting project the other day. Delphine (lacy cap-sleeve top) from the book French Girl Knits by Kristeen Griffin-Grimes. I am loving it so far. The yarn feels great (Americo 100% pima cotton), very soft. The pattern says to do four pattern repeats of the lower edge pattern. I have decided to do six (and have done so already) to add length to the body. I have read many complaints that the top is too short and I like my shirts on the longer side (I have a long torso, or so I am told). I am making the smallest size and I hope that it will fit and not be too tight! But a little tight should be good for a top to wear with skirts. Now I just need to have this top finished before the end of summer so I can wear it with skirts!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year

Hello 2010!

Alright, exams are finally done for now. Time to knit! I cast on a new sweater on Jan. 1st. It will hopefully be finished before 2011..... It is a chunky yarn so that shouldn't be too hard. I still need to finish my last cardigan. It would be terrible to finish my second sweater before the first was done.