Saturday, July 18, 2009

Study time

I am suppose to be studying right now as we (I guess "as I ") speak. Test for statistics on Monday morning. But studying is the last thing I want to do right now. I would rather scrub the toilet or do the dishes... Speaking of which I probably should do.... I have been so busy, and have not been home much other than to sleep and eat. I should probably vacuum too.... I cleaned the filter the other day so that I could.... No No No, it's study time now. It's funny that I have all this motivation to do things around here when I am suppose to be studying or doing homework. But when I don't have something I'm suppose to be doing, I don't feel like doing anything. When I have essays to write I feel like painting, the urge being so strong that I actually do pull paint and paint brushes out and paint the drawers on the desk I'm suppose to be working at. But when I have no homework assignments, I can sit at my drawing table and stare at a blank paper and have no will to pick up a pencil. But right now as I glance over at the table, I see my pencil crayon carousel and all it's plentiful colours, and I want to put those colours to that blank piece of paper and create something beautiful. Of course I can't do that right now and the urge won't be there come Monday afternoon.
Wow I am a terrible procrastinator! I am writing about procrastinating as I am procrastinating. I am procrastinating by writing about procrastinating... I am procrastinating so much that I had to write that twice.
Okay seriously now, I am going to study, because I will not get another A+ if I don't. I don't have time to cram all day tomorrow like I did the last time.

ummm..... I kinda feel like knitting right now.... Maybe I will do a few rows on my ebony cardigan to settle myself into study mode (I don't know how the two are related, but its seems plausible that knitting be related to everything).

1 comment:

Christine said...

Oh! You're such a hoot! I love the "procrastination" procrastination. I think it's the sign of a very advanced mind that can recognize the very things that it's doing, while admitting that it shouldn't be doing them, but doing them anyway, and then writing about them, and then segueing off into something entirely different!

You didn't get the A+ you wanted, but I hope you appreciate the A- you got instead.

Creative minds are so difficult to control.