Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Too much school!

No time to knit or write or draw or jump or skip.... No time to even be writing this.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Sunny Day

It is finally a nice day outside... Beautiful blue sky and no rain at all... just what I have been wanting for so long, so naturally I spend the day sitting in a dark movie theatre. It didn't dawn on me that this wasn't the smartest plan for the day until I was walking home after the movie with my bag of ice cream in my arm.

Yes I bought a bag of ice cream, but not just any ice cream, it is the worlds best ice cream (which to me means cotton candy flavoured ice cream). And yes I opened up the containers at home and smelt them before sticking them in the freezer. This time, I promise they will last until Christmas... or at least until school starts.... okay maybe until next week.

I finished knitting the final sleeve for my Ebony Cardigan yesterday. I put the sleeves out to block last night (Is that even proper knit talk?). I am very eager to sew it up and try it on! Of course it still wouldn't be done after that. It will still need the button band and the collar (not necessarily in that order). I will reflect better on sweater knitting when I am all finished my first one. In the mean time my purple hat is coming along well. I worked out all the kinks while knitting Aminat's. There wouldn't have been so many mistakes if she would have given me more than a day to knit it. I haven't told her that I made mistakes and she never has to know because you really can't tell.... Honest!

There was a side walk sale at the yarn store yesterday. So naturally I make sure to give myself a reason to drive past it on my bike. The sale wasn't too great and I didn't go over board. I managed to refrain myself again from buying that deliciously soft yellow yarn that I've nearly bought twice before. I did however buy some wool yarn. I know wool hurts me, but I want proof that all wool hurts me. This wool is soft and I can't imagine it itching... as long as it doesn't make my eyes hurt.

It is nearly 7pm now and the sunshine should be nicely cast on the pool deck still, I am going to take my purple hat out there and try to enjoy the nice weather while it is still here!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Schools out!

No more Statistics class! I will never take another math class again.... I know I said this after my last pre-calculus class way back in high school... but this time I mean it!...... Chemistry doesn't count. I understand that there is a lot of number crunching required in chemistry, but that is just easy math.

Fringe is done (sadly) and class is done. I now get a month of guilt free knitting! (and writing and painting of course). I am going to push myself to get a lot accomplished in this month (oh no, that sounds like work, it's not suppose to be work, its suppose to be fun).

Knitting update: I am nearly done the ebony cardigan. I just have the two sleeves and the button band and the collar..... which does seem like a lot when put that way. But hey, I am done the back and the two front sides! So it is all just down hill from there..... but not in a stitch mistake kind of way of course.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

...More study time

Test is tomorrow. I need to review my notes and do the practice test.... so why am I sitting on here typing this? Because I need to eat dinner of course, and naturally I need something to do while I eat.... I rushed home from work on my bike in record time (considering that I got hit with a very nasty cold today), no detours, just to study so that I can get a reasonable amount of sleep in tonight.... not going to happen. I'll be thinking about numbers and sigma's and alpha's and how to calculate p-value all night.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Study time

I am suppose to be studying right now as we (I guess "as I ") speak. Test for statistics on Monday morning. But studying is the last thing I want to do right now. I would rather scrub the toilet or do the dishes... Speaking of which I probably should do.... I have been so busy, and have not been home much other than to sleep and eat. I should probably vacuum too.... I cleaned the filter the other day so that I could.... No No No, it's study time now. It's funny that I have all this motivation to do things around here when I am suppose to be studying or doing homework. But when I don't have something I'm suppose to be doing, I don't feel like doing anything. When I have essays to write I feel like painting, the urge being so strong that I actually do pull paint and paint brushes out and paint the drawers on the desk I'm suppose to be working at. But when I have no homework assignments, I can sit at my drawing table and stare at a blank paper and have no will to pick up a pencil. But right now as I glance over at the table, I see my pencil crayon carousel and all it's plentiful colours, and I want to put those colours to that blank piece of paper and create something beautiful. Of course I can't do that right now and the urge won't be there come Monday afternoon.
Wow I am a terrible procrastinator! I am writing about procrastinating as I am procrastinating. I am procrastinating by writing about procrastinating... I am procrastinating so much that I had to write that twice.
Okay seriously now, I am going to study, because I will not get another A+ if I don't. I don't have time to cram all day tomorrow like I did the last time.

ummm..... I kinda feel like knitting right now.... Maybe I will do a few rows on my ebony cardigan to settle myself into study mode (I don't know how the two are related, but its seems plausible that knitting be related to everything).

Sunday, June 28, 2009

New colours!

I have changed the colours of my blog. Horray!!!!